Lifestyle Genetic Fertility Test
Uncover Your Fertility Blueprint Before You Try to Conceive
- For those trying to conceive or undergoing fertility treatment
- DNA testing kit delivered to your doorstep within days
- A detailed report and actionable steps based on your genetics

Your Roadmap to Better Fertility
The road to growing your family isn’t always easy. You don’t want to waste time on a trial-and-error approach that includes different diets, supplements, and treatment plans that are intended for the general population — but may not be right for you.
You want insight into your specific profile. This allows for the tailoring of your treatment and the best clinical outcomes.
But fertility is a complex process. Multiple factors can influence egg and sperm production, as well as embryo development — many that can’t be detected by blood work alone. For example, certain genetic predispositions can affect hormone balance, ovulation, nutrient absorption, detox pathways, and even weight gain. These genes don’t show up in routine testing, unfortunately.

Know Your Genes. Understand Your Fertility.
What if you could remove the guesswork with a test that provides personalized and actionable nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations — all tailored to your unique genetic makeup?
The result: better insight into factors that impact egg or sperm quality, response to fertility treatments, and healthy pregnancy.
Powered by one of Canada’s leading DNA labs, this is the first and only lifestyle genetic test that focuses on fertility so that you can optimize your health before you try to conceive or start fertility treatment.
With over 4000 genetic tests completed to date, Fern DNA (a.k.a. Functional Evaluation of Reproductive Nutrigenomics) gives you a detailed roadmap based on your genetic blueprint.
"I was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis, which was likely the cause of my 8-year journey of infertility. I started to see my Naturopathic Doctor who helped me tailor my diet and recommend vitamins/ non-prescription products to my genetic makeup — which in turn helped significantly with my menstrual pain.
She also recommended that I take the [lifestyle] genetics test to help supplement my diagnoses, which confirmed everything she suspected was the cause of my infertility.
This gave us confidence that we were doing all we could and so I then tried my 2nd round of IVF and ended up with 2 euploid embryos and I'm currently 6 months pregnant."
With DNA, One Size Doesn't Fit All
- Vitamin D is found in reproductive tissues and is one of the many nutrients that impact fertility outcomes. Most patients are prescribed around 800-1000iu a day.
- However, if you have a genetic variation that alters your vitamin D levels, then you can be susceptible to a deficiency — standard doses likely won’t work for you. Or it can take longer to get your levels into a normal range.
- The Fern DNA test uncovers this predisposition and, more so, that you and your medical team know exactly what YOUR body needs.
- Why should you care about getting your vitamin D right? Sufficient levels are linked to better success in IVF and less risk of endometriosis. Meanwhile, low levels can increase insulin resistance (in those with PCOS) and the risk of pregnancy loss.

Fern DNA Lifestyle Genetics Fertility Test

- Simple at-home test: no clinic visit required.
- Simple instructions are included in your kit.
- Pre-paid return package — no postage. Fits right in your mailbox.
- Notification via email when your results are ready.
- Book an appointment to review your results and answer any questions.
- A personalized list of recommendations and steps to support your reproductive health and well-being.
"I would definitely recommend this test to family and friends who are hoping to gain more insight into their health and wellness — whether it be for fertility or any issues in general.
You need to cover all of your bases and put your body in the best possible condition to create healthy eggs based on your own body's needs. This DNA test really set us up for success, along with all of [the] recommendations based off of the results."
Know Your Fertility Blind Spots
With fertility, and health in general, there’s…
what you know
what you don’t know, and
what you don’t know you don’t know
These are your fertility blind spots. They can reduce clinical outcomes, increase the risk of complications, and affect the health of your future baby.
Get to know your genes with the Fern DNA lifestyle fertility genetics test
Discover Your Fertility Blueprint
Order Your Kit
Complete our online order form.
Get your Fern DNA test kit in 2-4 business days.