Fern DNA Course for Naturopaths
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Here's a quick recap on what to expect in this free course:
- Introduction to Infertility:
Overview of infertility prevalence and diagnostic challenges. - Introduction to the role of genetics in infertility research.
- Fertility Processes and Causes:
In-depth exploration of physiological processes underlying fertility. - Examination of common causes of infertility and their genetic implications.
- Nutritional Support for Fertility:
Identification of essential nutrients for sperm and egg health. - Discussion of key supplements used in fertility treatment and their efficacy.
- Genetics and Nutrient Metabolism:
Exploration of genetic polymorphisms affecting nutrient metabolism. - Practical implications for dietary and supplemental interventions based on genetic profiles.
- Female Reproductive Health:
Examination of conditions impacting female fertility, including endometriosis and dysbiosis. - Analysis of genetic factors contributing to female reproductive disorders.
- Male Reproductive Health:
Investigation of genetic determinants of male infertility.
Application of genetic insights in predicting treatment outcomes and formulating personalized approaches. - Each module integrates theoretical concepts with practical applications, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the genetic and physiological aspects of fertility and infertility treatment.